Hashtable in Windows PowerShell Scripts


What is a hashtables of objects in Windows PowerShell scripts?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A hashtables in Windows PowerShell is a data structure where pieces of data are stored in the structure as key-value members. The value of a member represents the data, and the key of a member provides a name for the data.

Hashtable keys must be unique strings. While hashtable values can be any types of data.

You can create a hashtable by listing objects using the @{...}syntax as shown below:


For example, the following script creates a hashtable of 3 members and assign it to variable $p:

$p = @{"FirstName"="John";"LastName"="Smith";"Age"=40}
"My profile:"

New key-value pairs can also be added to a hashtable using the Add() method:

$p = @{"FirstName"="John";"LastName"="Smith";"Age"=40}
"My profile:"

You can access a member value of a hashtable with its key using the "." operation as shown below:

$p = @{FirstName="John";LastName="Smith";Age=40}
"My profile:"
"   First Name: "+$p.FirstName
"   Last Name: "+$p.LastName
"   Age: "+$p.Age

You can also access a member value of a hashtable with its key using the "Item()" method:

$p = @{FirstName="John";LastName="Smith";Age=40}
"My profile:"
"   First Name: "+$p.Item("FirstName")
"   Last Name: "+$p.Item("LastName")
"   Age: "+$p.Item("Age")


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2016-10-29, 1605🔥, 0💬