Download and Install Dependency Walker on Windows 8


How to download and install Dependency Walker on Windows 8? I want to try Dependency Walker on my computer.



If you want to download Dependency Walker on Windows 8 computer, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Click the "Download Version 2.2.6000 for x86 (Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 / 8) [610k]" link and save the download ZIP file as C:\fyicenter\

3. Unzip C:\fyicenter\ to C:\fyicenter\depends22 folder.

4. Double click on C:\fyicenter\ProcessExplorer\depends.exe to start Dependency Walker. You see the Dependency Walker screen with no content.

5. Click "File > Open" menu. And open C: C:\fyicenter\depends22\depends.exe.

The module dependency tree of depends.exe is displayed as shown below:
Windows 8 - Dependency Walker Screen


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What is Dependency Walker on Windows 8

Dependency Walker on Windows 8

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2016-12-30, 3071🔥, 0💬