Using the new start menu/screen as the desktop?


Setting up the new Windows 8 for my parents. They really like the start menu screen that displays the apps. Is there any way to treat this screen/menu as you would typically use the desktop whereas you have the capability to save files and whatnot to it? I'd like to set this up so the start screen is a one-stop shop for them. As it is now, when they use the internet it automatically takes them to the traditional desktop page, even though the app shows up on the start screen and I'm afraid they will be very confused with all of the "places" on the computer they have to go in order to select apps, use the internet and their personal files/folders.

✍: Guest

he best you can do regarding files is pin folders to the Start Screen, unfortunately you can't pin specific files to the Start Screen in Windows 8 at this time. Hopefully in Windows 8.1 they will improve on file discoverability in the Modern UI (Start Screen UI). By default Internet Explorer opens in Modern UI mode but at the moment it is a little disjointed and I know MS is working on it to improve the situation in 8.1.

2013-05-15, 2459🔥, 0💬