How can I get an Excel and Word shortcut to my desktop in windows 8?


How can I get an Excel and Word shortcut to my desktop in windows 8?

✍: Guest


The xxx.exe folders are located; Program Files > Microsoft Office > root > office 15 - this is for MS Office2013.

If you are running a different version of Office ie. 2007 or 2010, try this:

Open 'Start' screen conduct a start screen search, type in, 'winword.exe' > then from the search results > R /click on 'winword.exe' > from the option panel displayed along bottom, select shortcut required.

This will give options to 'Pin to Taskbar or Start.

If you wish to create shortcut to 'Desktop' locate the relevant .exe folder in the; Programs Files > Microsoft Office folders > highlight & L /click the relevant xxxx.exe folder > from selection box > select 'Send to" > select 'Desktop (create shortcut'

The .exe folders for MS Office are as follows:

MS Word = 'winword.exe'

MS Excel = 'excvel.exe'

MS Pwr Pnt = 'powerpnt.exe'

MS Outlook = 'outlook.exe'

MS Onenote = 'onenote.exe'

MS Pub = 'mspub.exe'

MS Access = msaccess.exe'

For MS Office 2007 > the xxx.exe files are located at > Program Files (x86) > Microsoft Office > Office 12.

MS Office 2010 should be similar.

2015-08-05, 2314🔥, 0💬