How do I find all the firewall running on my windows 8 pc


At&t said I have more than one firewall running. But I can only find one. Norton 360. How can I locate the others? It only shows one firewall running. Must be some other problem.

✍: Guest


If you go to Control Panel...Action Center, and click the Security tab, it will list all of the firewalls that are turned on.

It may be that Windows Firewall is running at the same time as Norton.

It also may be that Norton 360 is actually blocking something that AT&T needs...

You can access Windows Firewall in control Panel.

Sometimes when you are setting up an internet connection when running a firewall, you need to go into the firewall's application settings and "ALLOW" a connection for ATT&T for instance, or for IE10 to connect using AT&T.

Some firewalls will notify you that something is trying to connect and ask for instructions.

This doesn't always happen though. Windows Firewall would most likely allow this connection without issues.

I'm not familiar with the workings of the newer Norton stuff so I can't be of much help there.

You might try temporarily turning off the Norton Firewall and attempt to make the connection, and then turn it back on. If you can find how to allow the connection easily, this won't be needed.

2013-08-21, 2703🔥, 0💬